Friday, March 14, 2008

Military family: Expired coupons

I have quite a few (several hundred?) expired or soon-to-expire coupons that I'd love to pass on to a military family that could use and share them. If you are in the military and stationed in a place where you can used expired coupons, please email me by clicking here. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Edit: For those who are interested in mailing their own coupons to those in the military, check out the Overseas Coupon Program website.


mawmawjoan said...

i have been trying to find out if this is true or not. Hope someone from the military will respond. We would love to do this as a project here at the Senior Center where I work.

Jes A. Bella said...

I have the same and lost the info to mail them to so please pass alaong so I can mail as weel!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I have coupons I can send too; I used to give them to my cousin when he was in the Army, but he isn't active anymore so I have nowhere to send them.

Jen said...

Yes military families overseas can use expired coupons.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. I didn't know about military families and expired coupons until I saw your post. Now I have a good use for all the coupons, some expired, that I recently found.