Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Walgreens: Use more than one RR per transaction?

With all of the great Register Rewards-producing deals going this week, it seemed like a good time to post this email. There have been a lot of questions as to how many Register Rewards you may spend per transaction, as many of them state Only one per transaction. Some have interpreted this as earning while others believe it means spending. Below is an email from the Walgreens corporate office that clarifies the answer. You may want to print it out (or email Walgreens yourself) in case a cashier isn't sure about it.

February 29, 2008

Thank you for taking your time to contact our Corporate Offices. We appreciate hearing from our customers and value all comments received.

A customer may not use more than one Register Reward on a purchase of only 1 item example: 2 rewards for Chapstick for 1 Chapstick product). However, a customer can use as many register rewards as they have items in the transaction [emphasis added]. The Register Reward coupon works like a manufacturer coupon when redeemed. Therefore, if a customer uses a manufacturer coupon and a Catalina coupon during the same transaction for the same product, the system will not scan one of these coupons. I hope this helps.

Again, thank you for letting us know about your satisfaction. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.


April S.
Consumer Response Representative

Ref # 1432925


Evelyn said...


Helen said...

So to clarify...Say I am buying 6 different items total, and I have 4 maunufacturer's coupons. Does this mean I can add two RR to my order because I would then have 6 items and 6 coupons?

Anonymous said...

What is a Catalina coupon?

Unknown said...


Yes, that's correct. Give the RRs to scan first, as that seems to work best.


A Catalina (or Register Reward, as Walgreens likes to call them) is a coupon that prints when you make a purchase. It comes from a separate machine, usually next to the cash register. The paper it's printed on is white, with red at the top and bottom. Usually Catalinas are good for a certain amount off your next order ("Use like cash"). However, sometimes they are like regular manufacturer's coupons--$1.50 off a purchase of Pedialyte, for instance. You might be interested in our frugality glossary of terms

Debra said...

I went into Walgreens today and was buying the Phenom razor. I tried to use a $4 RR but the cashier wouldn't even try it. She told me if I used the RR to pay for the item, it wouldn't give me the $5 RR for buying it.


BTW, I want to sincerely thank you for your tips on Walgreens deals (and other deals). They help me so much.

God bless

Debra said...

One other thing. You mentioned "transaction #1, transaction #2," etc. Do you do multiple transactions with one visit to the store? I live out of town so it's sort of a 'trip' when I go shopping. I would like to take care of business with one stop but feel silly.

Unknown said...


Yes, the cashier should have let you use the RR. Since it's from a completely separate promotion, there shouldn't be any problem--though it seems that occasionally a particular company won't let you "roll" a RR from purchasing one of their products to another one. (I can verify that many people have used the Olay RRs on razors and had it work just fine.) Usually if a cashier seems negative about scanning a coupon (including a RR), I'll just politely ask them if they mind trying. Twice recently I was in a situation similar to what you described--I was attempting to use a RR to pay for a Phenom razor. I knew it would work, but the employees told me it wouldn't. I asked if they would mind just trying it, which they did, and my RR printed just fine.

For an answer to your other question, check out my latest post about doing multiple transactions. It got too long to post here as a comment. :-)

I'm so glad to be able to help you get good deals--thanks for your kind comments!

Hannah Marie said...

Hello, Bethany. I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your blog over on AFC (A Full Cup). I kept seeing questions there about using more than one RR at a time, so when I saw your post here I knew I had to send the ladies over to read it.
Thanks so much for your blog. I'm afraid I've been a lurker, but I learn so much from you everyday. Thanks!
BTW, are you an AFCer?

Melonie said...

I did a transaction at Walgreens once with a young man who "wasn't sure" if it would take two RR's - while he was on the phone trying to ask a manager, he shrugged and gave it a try, and they both went through just fine. I really appreciated that he gave it a shot without us even having to ask - and that the system took it, so he learned from the attempt too.

Afterward he gave us a big grin and said NICE job! I bet he'll be wondering how to save so much himself...

Unknown said...


I do visit AFC, but tend to use other sites (such as Hot Coupon World) more.


I'm very happy for your deals! Keep up the good work! :-)

Mom of thirteen said...

Just wanted to add that the manager at my Walgreen's showed the cashier how to use a RR and manuf. coupons when you have a coupon for each item and a RR. He said the RR must be taken off first and then the manuf. coupons. The cashier had tried the coupons first and then the RR and it was rejecting the RR. The manager voided that transaction and started over and scanned the RR right after the products and then the coupons and the register then took them all.

For a more visual picture, I bought the 6/$20 body wash/shampoo deal, so six items on this transaction. I had 6 coupons and a RR from the week before. It did take them all when scanned in the correct order.

The manager said that this is how it works and he is trying to teach all his employees about it.

My next transaction was for 6 more of the 6/$20 and I had 4 coupons and 3 of the $4 RR (this promotion prints out 3 $4 RR,not just one for $12), and again, with the RR being scanned first, it took all the coupons too.

In each case that was a total of 7 discounts (RR and coupons) for each transaction. It does work if scanned in the correct order.

Happy Sales!

Unknown said...

Mom of Twelve:

Thank you for the information. I've heard about that, but never tried it myself.